To write or not to write…

I have recently made a career change and I am now “working” from home.  Not a bad gig when everyone else is at work or school – gets a little difficult as soon as there is another body in the house because you are never really doing anything that important to them so they interrupt you for silly things – like who is cooking dinner.

I have discovered that some other bodies are encroaching on my work space and making it difficult to work.  They are silent distractions, ever so coy yet so powerful.  As I stop and turn around to ponder a new angle on a project I see this…..

Snoring Dog, Stretching Cat

It is very difficult to hear the dog snoring so

so deeply – and when she is dreaming and running

it becomes even more entertaining….and

distracting.    As for the cat, she knows she is

cute and plays it for what is worth.




So I decide to take a break.  Get a drink.  Pet the cat.  Get more wood on the fire.  I am greeted by another body sending me a message…..      How am I supposed to work when the message is clearly “time for a nap!”   I actually poked the cat to make sure she was still alive because she was so hot to my touch.   Oh well, if you can’t beat them – join them!


Baking Kitty