Deaf Ears

Trying to write for a living has brought a whole new set of “issues” to consider.  Aside from the lack of a steady income flow, there is the issue of communication. How to write to get your message across without the added benefits of body language and vocal tone.  How to catch someone’s attention in the first few lines.  How to use correct grammar.  How to use spell check!  Communication, in any form, is a tough skill to master.

Take for instance my verbal exchanges with the “farmer” about…well, just about anything.  From “what do you want for dinner,” to discussions about college funds and the car making funny noises, it seems that some people are very selective about what they hear.   As someone who likes to write, I have written a number of speeches for my Toastmaster’s International club (I achieved my Competent Communicator a few years ago which means I delivered 10 speeches), I figured that my vocal delivery was lacking and I should attempt to write my message.

I figured that the farmer’s hearing could also be a part of the problem, most likely brought on by all those years of noisy tractors and steers banging around in the their headlocks in the barn, he would do better with the written word rather than the spoken word.  I composed, deleted, composed again, read it out loud and printed it.  I then placed the written communication in a location he was sure to find…and then I waited.

Turns out that not only is he deaf, he is blind too!    Can I legally use a cattle prod?!?!